Bishop Tom led the SVP re-dedication Mass in September 2023 attended by SVP members from across the Liverpool Archdiocese. Our Mini Vinnies were also part of the service.
Christmas 2023
We would like to say a huge thank you to Father Martin, the S.V.P., our very own Mini Vinnies and the Friends of St Teresa’s Christmas Tree Appeal for all their help and support in the run up to Christmas.
End of Year...
At our end of year Mass, the Mini Vinnies presented Fr Martin with gifts as part of the offertory. We had been collecting food for the SVP to distribute - especially as part of their welcome the stranger scheme. We were joined by a special guest Ian Kempsell, (National Board and trustee of the St Vincent de Paul Society) and it was especially fitting that he met the children as they were passing over the final donations of the year.
MiniVinnies in action again.
This week we have been running a book sale. The money raised will be given to the parish SVP in time for Christmas. Thanks for all the donations of books. Thanks to everyone for buying books (Children and staff). Thanks especially to the children giving up their playtimes all week to run the sale.
Well done everyone.
October - as part of our harvest celebrations, the Minivinnies team (now seven children from Y5 and Y6) organised a collection of food for the parish food bank. The children designed posters and put them up round school as well as helping write the appeal to parents. They also helped to collect donations and introduced themselves to the parish at morning Mass.
Our next project is to start a book stall and all money raised will be given to the SVP in time for Christmas (a busy time for them).
A BIG THANKS to Father Martin for supporting and encouraging the Minivinnies. We are really proud of them as they join the parish effort to help people who do not have enough to eat.
Part of the sacristy has been converted to allow food to be stored, sorted then distributed. It is where our donations go before they actually feed people in our community.
Father Martin and the SVP organise that side of things - the Mini Vinnies can help by advertising and collecting when we ask for donations again.
Happy Easter!
Today (01/04/21) our Y5 Mini Vinnies officially began their work. After our Easter Service, celebrated by Father Martin, four children were presented with their badges and certificates. Within minutes they were called into action to collect in all the donated food for the "Feed my lambs, feed my sheep" food bank. There were so many donations (almost 40 full bags!) we needed extra helpers to carry the food to church. Thanks so much to everyone for taking part, with donations and the raffle - especially to our Mini Vinnies and Father Martin for helping our school support people in our community.