Chair of Governors
Mr P Atherton
Note all Lead Governors will link with lead member of school staff in the relevant area
St Teresa's School – from September 2020
Name | Interest(s) | Reviewed |
Peter Atherton | Nil | November 2020 |
Cllr. Derek Long |
St Helens MBC, Councillor for Rainhill.
November 2020 |
Lynsey Burgess | St Teresa's Employee | November 2020 |
Phil Doyle | Chair of Governors, St Edwards College, Edmund Rice Academy, Liverpool
November 2020 |
Rachael Brookes | Headteacher, St Teresa's Employee | November 2020 |
Karen Harrison | Foundation Governor | November 2020 |
Paul Jobe | Grandparent of a child in school | November 2020 |
Kassia Boydell |
Foundation Governor |
November 2020 |
Catherine Manweiler | Parent of a child in school | November 2020 |
Claire Chisholm | Parent Governor | November 2020 |
Tracy McNeill | Parent of a child in school | November 2020 |
Patricia Peers | Nil | November 2020 |
The appointment of the right Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher for our school. This has lead to:
Focussing on improving teaching and learning.
This has led to:
Focussing on pupil progress.
This has led to:
Focus on the function of Governors.
This has involved:
reconstitution of Governing Body leading to additional governors appointed to further strengthen the governance of the school;
regular reviews of progress with staff to support and challenge;
shared staff and governors INSET;
review of policies, leading to an even safer environment for the school community;
targeted governor review day.