
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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St Teresa of Avila 500th Anniversary

In our school and parish communities we begin our celebration of the 500th Anniversary of the birth of St Teresa with our Mass on October 15th 2014. We will visit the Carmelite sisters at Eccleston and take part in events during the following months leading up to the 2015 celebrations.


There are some useful resources which you may like to investigate.



Nada Te Turbe - A Virtual Choir of Carmelites

An official VMG virtual choir, "Nada Te Turbe" is one of two virtual choirs produced for the celebration of St. Teresa of Jesus's 500th birthday. The choir is made up of Carmelite Nuns and Seculars from around the world.
