
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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Mrs R Brookes - Headteacher

Mrs L Burgess - Deputy Headteacher & Year 5 teacher 

Mrs A Wright - KS1 & EY Lead, SENDCo & Reception teacher

Mrs G Thompson - Year 1 teacher

Mrs C Burrows/Mrs Helsby - Year 2 teachers

Mr S Grice - Year 3 teacher

Miss I Hawkins - Year 4 teacher

Mrs J Keevil - Year 6 teacher

Miss Z Rampling - HLTA PPA cover


Level 3 Teaching Assistants


Level 2 Teaching Assistants

Mrs Y Kubiak

Mrs J Hook

Ms E Perry

Mrs S Lunt

Mrs C Hewitt

Mrs C VandenBossche

Miss C Lowe

Mrs C Manweiler

Mrs C Todd

Miss E McKeon


Learning Mentor/Level 2 Teaching Assistant

Ms S Hayes


Office staff

Mrs G Varley - Office Manager

Mrs C Foster

Mrs J Binsteed





Midday Supervisors

Mrs M Harrison

Mrs D Lynch

Mrs J Edmundson

Mrs P Cunliffe

Miss R Mather 

Mrs J Walker


Kitchen Staff

Mrs C Heaton

Mrs C 


Cleaning Staff

Mr  S Potter

Mrs C Heaton

Mrs M Winstanley


Breakfast/Afterschool club

Mrs K McCarthy

Mrs M Bolan

Ms S Hayes
