
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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Religious Education


Religious Education


What is Religious Education?

  • Religious education is about engaging with the deepest questions of life and finding reasons for the hope that is within them.

  • It is about the Christian vision of the human person.

  • It is the core subject which is central to the life of our Catholic school.

  • It is the systematic study:

  • of the mystery of God, as discovered through the Bible and particularly through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ,

  • the teachings of the Church,

  • the lives of the saints,

  • the relationship between faith and life.


We follow the Come and See programme which provides:

  • Succinct learning objectives

  • Key content

  • Appropriate methodologies

  • Rigour

  • Rich resources

  • Identifiable outcomes

  • Accurate assessment

We have a plan to change to the new RED curriculum "To know you more clearly" during 2024-25 and our Reception children are currently trialling this with plans for Y1 and Y2 to follow shortly.


Religious Education is taught discretely but children will be offered opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills across the curriculum.

Collective Worship (Prayer and Liturgy)

Collective worship is our response, in word, song and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a loving relationship with him. At St Teresa's, Prayer and Liturgy is an integral part of the school life. It gives children the opportunity to grow in faith. We gather as a community to listen to the teachings of Christ, pray and reflect on our own lives.

We use resources provided by CAFOD which reflect the weekly Gospels throughout the year and well as planning worship with themes relevant to our pupils.


"Peace be with you"   "And also with you"    "Let us offer each other the sign of peace"


Collective Worship takes place daily at St Teresa's, whether this is as a whole school, as a key stage or as a class. All members of the school community gather for Prayer and Liturgy, showing reverence to the Word and reflecting upon its meaning. All children have the opportunity to plan worship, leading others in collective prayer.

As a school we foster children’s spiritual development encouraging them in, 'Growing and achieving with Jesus at our side". Worship at St Teresa's s is more than just a legal requirement. It is an integral part of school life and central to the Catholic tradition. 




The children in Year 4  had the opportunity to share their learning from their Come and See topic about the Eucharist and for the children to deliver their own Collective Worship on the theme of ‘Giving and Receiving Love’.  We are embedding the use of our school prayer across school and is  used on a daily basis, both in classes and for whole school prayer and liturgy.  The children can lead the prayer and know the responses by heart.

The Prayer and Liturgy was well attended by parents who commented on how special it had been.


Staff Prayer Book

Year 6 planned Prayer and Liturgy

  Hymns we use to Gather for Prayer and Liturgy can be found below

Here I am to Worship

Worship Video Please consider becoming a patron. God bless you.

PRAISE MEDLEY Three Songs for Opening Worship

Be still for the presence of the Lord

Be still, for the presence of the Lord, The Holy One, is here. Come bow before him now, with reverence and fear. In him no sin is found, we stand on holy ground. Be still for the presence of the Lord, The Holy One, is here.

Open The Eyes of My Heart (with lyrics)

Open the Eyes of My Heart as sung by Maranatha Music, with lyrics, for worship

Here I am Lord
