
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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Come and See

Lesson 1

Read the text below.

Having said we are sorry in the Penitential Act, we listen to the Word of God in the readings then, the Christian family can now come to the Lord’s Table, as a parish family, united in love of Jesus and one another. The Eucharistic prayer gives thanks for God’s goodness. The priest uses the words Jesus used at the Last Supper and consecrates the bread and wine, so they become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. After the Eucharist prayer has been said, the Communion Rite begins. It includes the Lord’s Prayer, the Sign of Peace, Lamb of God, Holy Communion and the Prayer after Communion.   At the beginning of the Communion Rite, everyone is invited to pray the Our Father, the prayer which Jesus gave his friends. This is a simple but challenging prayer. We humbly ask God for what we need. Our ‘daily bread’ can be food, the need for courage, patience, peace, healing, etc. We ask for forgiveness from God and recognise that we will forgive others, too. At the end of the prayer, we acknowledge that temptation can be difficult, and we need God’s help.  Then the priest prays the prayer for peace and unity after which he invites everyone to share a Sign of Peace with each other before the Christian family share Holy Communion.  The people greet one another as friends of Jesus.  They share the gift of peace which Jesus gave his followers. They use the words with which Jesus greeted his friends after the Resurrection.  They say to one another, “Peace be with you.”
Q During the Sign of Peace what has been given and received? (the gift of peace and unity which Jesus gave his followers)

Activity: Write a prayer or a poem about how peace and unity in the world might shape the lives of Christians.

Lesson 2

Read the text below and answer the questions.


The priest invites people to come to Communion. He lifts up the Sacred Host and the chalice and says,   “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world.  Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.”  The people respond, “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,  but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”
Some of the phrases in these prayers are taken from the Bible. The phrase ‘Behold the Lamb of God’ echoes the words of John the Baptist in John 1:29 where John points out Jesus to his followers.
‘The supper of the Lamb’ refers to words in Chapter 19 of the Book of Revelation, where the writer is describing Heaven and the lamb is Jesus.
 ‘I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,’ is found in Matthew 8:8 and Luke 7:6, where a Roman centurion has asked Jesus to heal his servant. The centurion believes he is not worthy to have Jesus come into his home, that is ‘under his roof.’
Then the priest receives the Body and Blood of Christ and gives Communion to the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, who help the priest distribute Holy Communion. The people process to the altar to receive Holy Communion or a blessing.  The priest or the Extraordinary Ministers raise the host to each person saying, “The Body of Christ,” and each person replies, “Amen,” (which means ‘I agree’) and receives the host.  Then sometimes the people receive the chalice and the priest or Extraordinary Minister says, “The Blood of Christ,” and each person replies, “Amen,” and drinks from the chalice. 
In the Prayer after Communion – the priest invites the people to pray that, having received Jesus in Holy Communion, they will have the strength to live in communion that is to ‘give and take’ every day.

Q Who said in John’s Gospel ‘Behold the Lamb of God’?  When?

Q Of what might people want to be healed?

Q What does the priest say when he raises the Host and the Chalice?

Q How do you think people can live in communion with one another?
