
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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Year 5

Welcome to our Y5 Team!


Mrs Burgess (Mon, Tues and Fri)

Miss Rampling (Wed and Thurs)


We have a busy and exciting year ahead of us and we look forward to inviting you into school throughout the year to see what your child has been learning and to take part in their learning experiences.  I hope that the information on our class page will help you throughout the year. 

If you are worried about school or your child's learning, then please tell us. We will probably be able to sort out your worries and have you both smiling again!

Here is a copy of our weekly timetable.   At times this may change slightly in order to meet particular curriculum needs.  

What we are learning

DT afternoon - 24.1.25

How do we want to be remembered? - 14.1.25

In mass this morning, Father Martin talked about being a Saint.  He asked us to think about what we would like people to say about us in 1,000 years time.  This is what we said.


Another amazing piece of home learning - 9.1.25

Well done, Charlotte.  A fantastic piece of home learning.

Home learning super stars - 8.1.25

The children's favourite new fun fact from yesterday - there are 18 species of penguins.  Indie, Jessica, Darcie and Jomi took it upon themselves to take their learning further by independently researching the names of the 18 species at home.  Amazing learning.

Designing our soft toys - 7.1.25

Happy New Year!

It is lovely to see all of the children back in school after a very snowy start to the year.  The children are already working extremely hard and are enjoying their learning.  We are particularly enjoying our 'Knowing More and Remembering More' quizzes and our challenge activities.  Here are some of the children solving our Vocabulary Challenge Tri-Jigsaw.



Parent Art Lesson - 6.12.24

KS2 Choir - 11.12.24

Mini COP - 26.11.24

Year 5 sports competitions - September 2024

Our Year 5 boys and girls have both represented the school in sporting competitions at Ruskin Drive.  The girls played their socks off in the girls football competition and the boys scored some super tries in the boys rugby competition.  The Year 5 boys were back at Ruskin drive, this time for the boys football tournament.  The boys played fantastically with Zach making some amazing saves.  Well done Year 5.


Creative Writing Session - Remembrance Day
