
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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Headteacher's Message

I would like to send you a very warm welcome to St Teresa's Catholic Primary School and thank you for visiting our website. We are very proud of how our strong school family community is working together to live out our values and ethos as a "welcoming family of God". 


#TeamTeresa has worked hard to put the mental health and wellbeing of all staff and pupils at the forefront of our curriculum. We are working with therapeutic, trauma-informed strategies to support all children and are working towards our Therapeutic Schools award.



Please support our determination to maximise outcomes for all children by helping to reinforce key messages about Attendance, Inclusion  Behaviour, Uniform and Gospel Values to the children. 

Ready   Respect   Safe


Many thanks in anticipation for your continued support


Mrs R Brookes



Happy Easter

  Wishing you all a very happy Easter!  Many thanks for all the incredible entries for our Easter     Garden competition designed by our wonderful School Council.

Our Student Leaders 2023

 Many congratulations to Emma, Darcy, Josh and Jamie who have been elected as our Head Girl, Head Boy and deputies for 2023.  In an election with heart felt speeches, all the children pledged to work together for the good of our school community and to ensure that everyone felt included.  It will be a pleasure to work with you this year!

Plastic Pollution Displays

Head Boy and Head Girl 2020

  All our Learning Stars videos are now located on the School Videos page

A Message from Mrs Brookes



