
St Teresa'sCatholic Primary School

'A welcoming family of God, growing and achieving together, with Jesus at our side.' "I am the vine and you are the branches"

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11th - 15th January

This is the timetable that the children who are in school are following.  It may help you to use this timetable to help you plan your day when accessing your online learning!  Click on a subject in blue to be taken straight to your activity or see below for subjects in black.  


I am looking forward to seeing you each day for our live lesson (highlighted green) at 11.00 am.



Star Skills



Reading Comprehension





Come and See


Star Skills


Reading Comprehension


Spelling/ handwriting

Come and See





Reading Comprehension

Star Skills






Star Skills

Reading Comprehension




Star Skills



Reading Comprehension








Come and See


LEARNING INTENTION:                       Belonging to a community

Each one of us belongs to several different communities, e.g. our family community, the school community, the area where we live etc.  Think about the classroom community. What makes it function well?  What are the ways in which individuals help make the class community a happy one?  Read this story.


The Castleford estate where Jack and Holly lived had a good community.  Sister Christine who lived there was always thinking of good ideas to bring people together and help them take responsibility.  There were after school clubs to help children with homework, a rota for visiting the housebound people, a football club, a pre-school group where parents and carers could meet and talk.  Sometimes, there were outings.  Sister Christine organised a residents’ committee which had responsibility for running the various activities and everyone who wanted to, had a part to play.  The estate was a happy place to live.


One day a new family came to live on the estate. They had a little boy called Alfie who was deaf.  Alfie went to a different school from the other children on the estate, so he did not know anyone.  Jack saw him coming home from school and told Holly about him.  They had not seen him at any of the activities.  So, they decided to go and visit him…


Monday 11th January – write your answers to the following questions in your book or you could post them on the school blog.


1. What do you think happened next in the story?

2. Why was the Castleford estate a happy place to live?

3. Why do you think Sister Christine helped the Castleford community?

4. What do you think is meant by the word community?

5. What are the advantages of being part of a community?

6. What are the demands of being part of a community?

7. What do you think could cause the breakdown of a community?

8. What helps to build up community?



Tuesday 12th January

  • Look up the words, community and responsibility.  Find out what they mean in everyday life.  Use this information to describe what happens in one of the communities you belong to. 



Think about the commitment and responsibilities that are required of the people who help that community function well.  Did anything surprise you?  What do you appreciate most?  Think about what life would be like if there was no community.

How many week 1 spellings can you learn and spell correctly by Friday?  Show me how many you know by posting on the school blog.

